International Development Consulting
(Strategy, Evaluation and Research)
As an independent international development consultant, I have almost ten years of experience delivering strategy, research and evaluation services, particularly quantitative and qualitative analysis of policies, programmes and strategies. Specialty sectors include education, social entrepreneurship and community/youth development, with regional expertise in Africa and South Asia.
Academically, I have a Master of Public Administration (Economic Policy) from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and a Graduate Diploma in International Development from the University of London International Programme. My first degree was a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Miami. I am currently pursuing an additional MSc Finance at SOAS.
​Past clients: TetraTech International Development, Oxford Policy Management (OPM), Bodhi Global Analysis, Global Schools Forum (GSF), Global Partnership for Education (GPE), the World Bank, Cognoscere Consulting, Mercy Corps, Centre for Economic Performance (LSE), Jatan Sansthan and various NGOs
Indirect clients: UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), USAID, UNESCO, UNICEF, European Commission, Save the Children, Action for Hearing Loss, American Red Cross, and various international governments
Project examples:
Final Programme Evaluation of Mercy Corps’ PROSPECTS III youth employment and entrepreneurship programme in Liberia: Led on the closing report focused on drawing recommendations for the next programme phrase to improve implementation processes and better achieve desired outcomes/impact. Designed and organised quantitative and qualitative data collection, including a survey of 800 beneficiaries, 30 key informant interviews and 9 focus group discussions.
(2021, Evaluation Lead for Bodhi Global Analysis / Mercy Corps Liberia, Embassy of Sweden)
Research Studies for FCDO’s Girls’ Education Challenge Phase II (GEC-II) programme: ‘Teachers and Teaching’ and ‘Access and Learning’: Supported the design and tool development of primary data collection, analysed qualitative interview data using NVivo/Dedoose, advised on the quantitative analysis of student learning data to measure intervention impact and effects of COVID, and contributed to report-writing. The studies focused on teaching quality and access during COVID
(2021, Quantitative/Qualitative Research Consultant for TetraTech / FCDO)
Evaluation of the Value for Money (VfM) strategy used in FCDO’s Mozambique Skills for Employment Programme (JOBA): Led a lessons learned research study investigating the programme’s approach and experience with monitoring VfM to guide programme strategy in order to maximise results; Reviewed programme documentation and held key informant interviews with programme managers and implementation staff; Presented findings in a workshop with the wider FCDO team.
(2020-21, Evaluation Lead for TetraTech / FCDO)
Evaluations of SPRING, an accelerator programme in Asia/Africa helping education-related social enterprises develop innovations to benefit girls: Handled two types of case study evaluations: (1) impact assessments using difference-in-difference experiments to quantify effects of intervention, and (2) business performance evaluations of beneficiary start-ups by conducting in-country interviews and FGDs.
(2018-20, Quantitative/Qualitative Research Consultant for TetraTech / FCDO)
Research study for the Ministry of Education in Liberia evaluating a pilot programme aimed at strengthening early childhood education: Co-authored a diagnostic report with descriptive statistics compiled on STATA; Formalised evaluation methodology and final tools for measuring intervention impact; Supported baseline data collection by preparing the data management platform and training enumerators.
(2019-20, Quantitative Research Consultant for Oxford Policy Management / World Bank)
Process evaluation of ILM 2, a DFID-funded incubator programme cultivating education innovation in Pakistan through support to social enterprises: Examined programme effectiveness and value for money by analysing and reviewing budgets, monitoring reports and stakeholder interviews; Achieved the highest Evaluation Quality Assurance (EQuALS) report rating of ‘excellent’ from DFID.
(2016-17, Evaluation Consultant for TetraTech / DFID)
Policy/programme analysis: Impact assessments, process evaluations, value for money analysis, market analysis, M&E frameworks, Theory of Change mapping, feasibility studies
Quantitative fieldwork: Methodology and sampling design, survey development, enumerator training, data management and quality control
Statistical analysis Descriptive statistics, regression analysis, causal analyses (RCTs, difference-in-difference, instrumental variables)
Qualitative research: Document reviews, desk research, primary data collection (key informant interviews and focus group discussions), data synthesis
Sector Areas
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Conflict and Security
Urban development
Community/Youth Development
Market development
Country Experience
In-country: India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Kenya, Uganda, Liberia, Cambodia, China
Remote work: Afghanistan, Ghana, Mozambique, Guinea, Nigeria, Somalia, Tanzania, Pakistan, Haiti, Philippines